How to Find the Server
Link to the Server
"http://" style access link to the server is shown in the main server's dialog. Clicking the link opens web browser navigated to the server (windows version); cutting/pasting the link into pre-opened browser is used with the mobile version. The link may be permanent or temporary, symbolic or digital depending on the network connection type and the domain name (symbolic server name) availability. The server is accessible via local links http://localhost:8080 or via from the same computer always. 8080 is the adjustable listening port number; the port number can be configured in the main server's dialog. The local links are operable even if the Mobile Web Server running computer is not connected to a network.
Local Network Availability
Incoming access to running the Server computer/device must be not blocked by firewall. Mobile Web Server takes care about Windows Firewall and enables itself in the firewall automatically (windows/portable version, the server has to be launched under admin credentials). Any third party firewalls have to be (re)configured separately/manually.
The server is available in Local Network always. The access Link is shown in the main server's dialog, the Local Network visitors can use the Link to access the server directly. The Link may be temporary, if the network connection is made with dynamic (IP) configuration. The link changes may occur after reboot or network reconnection; the Link field of the main dialog reflects the changes automatically. The Local Network visitors have to be informed of the Link changes to continue accessing the server. There is a way to "publish" the access Link to the Local Network automatically.
Link auto "publishing"
Windows XP SP2 and later provides you with ability "publish" the server link to Local Network automatically. Switching LAN auto-discovery (Network/uPnP discovery) on in the main dialog enables the feature (desktop/portable version only). Network/uPnP discovery allows the Local Network connected computers to display icon in the Network related applet and the system tray. Clicking the icon opens web browser navigated to Mobile Web Server automatically. uPnP infrastructure (network discovery) has to be enabled on both sides of the communication and not blocked by a firewall. The uPnP infrastructure is not enabled by default sometimes, please review Windows documentation for the details.
Windows XP:
  • Check uPnP components are installed. Start / ControlPanel / AddOrRemovePrograms / AddRemoveWindowsComponents / NetworkServices "uPnP User Interface" must be checked;
  • uPnP is enabled in Windows Firewall - Start / ControlPanel / WindowsFirewall / Exceptions "uPnP Framework" must be checked;
  • the Server presence is displayed in "My Network Places". "Show icons for networked uPnP devices" has to be enabled ;

  • "Network Discovery" must be enabled in NetworkSharing/Action Center
  • "View Network Computers and Devices" displays the server related icon
Permanent Symbolic/Domain Name
The main network connection parameter (IP address) of the running Mobile Web Server computer can be changed depending on the network connection specifics. Assigning a permanent/symbolic name to the server with a third party domain name (free) service solves the problem. Mobile Web Server can detect the connection parameter changes and reflect the changes to the assigned domain automatically. The Link to the server will be permanent as the result.
The domain name registration is performed by pressing the "register" button in the main dialog, the registration form of the domain name service will be opened in web browser. Providing User/Password/DomainName of the domain name registration instructs Mobile Web Server to access the registered domain name account and to reflect the connection parameter changes automatically. Pressing "Save" submits the changes. The Link field shows the permanent symbolic link to the server or a descriptive error message after several seconds.
The Link may be operable in Local Network or worldwide depending on ability to set "worldwide" access to the Mobile Web Server running computer/device.
Worldwide Access
Mobile Web Server can be accessible worldwide on the Internet via internet connection of any type now. Checking "Worldwide Access" in the main dialog enables the feature. The "(Worldwide)" mark in the Link field confirms the worldwide access is available and established.
There are two ways to provide Mobile Web Server with worldwide incoming access depending on internet connection type.
  • Using external hardware for the internet connection. If Mobile Web Server running PC is connected to the Internet via firewall/router/modem/etc device, the device can be configured to allow incoming access to a computer in the Local Network. Mobile Web Server (portable version) configures the device automatically with uPnP port forwarding feature. The feature is supported by almost any modern firewall/router/modem hardware.
  • If the feature is not available, Mobile Web Server uses special Free Access Service to provide the server with the incoming access. The service usage is automatic, no manual action are required after the registration The "(via Access Service)" mark in the Link field of the main dialog confirms the worldwide access is established via the Access Service. The Service acts as a proxy available worldwide unconditionally. The web requests to Mobile Web Server are accepted by the Service first and redirected to Mobile Web Server then with the communication tunnel. The tunnel allows virtually incoming data(*) to pass through any complex/corporative network infrastructure and be accepted by Mobile Web Server finally.
    (*)The outgoing data must not be blocked explicitly and intentionally